Calcutta Walks introduces homestays in Kolkata !!!


CalWalks is always on the lookout for people tired of living alone, or with each other, at home, and desperately looking for company. (Thinking of which its them that should be paying us for sending them travelers to while away their time with. But alas, this is no Utopia.)

Therefore, we have a variety of homestays on offer for you, ranging from Rs. 1200 to Rs. 2500, these homes are lived in by some of the most interesting people of the city. Not only do you get to stay with a family, but you stand a chance to strike up a lifetime of friendship.

From artists to hoteliers to retired professionals to past princesses, we have a range of homes in various locations to suit the needs of every traveler looking for a ‘home away from home’ experience. All homestays come equipped with breakfast, if possible, with the owners, and may include other meals as preferred.

Every house is a reflection of who lives in it. And it is this character of the house and the owner that we invite you to explore. Break away from the regular routine of a hotel and believe you me there’s a whole new world of experiences waiting for you on the other side.

10 Comments Add yours

  1. stephen smith says:

    Could you send me info about a homestay in Calcutta when I plan to be there to voluteer with the Missionaries of Charity, Jan. 31-Feb. 6th, 2010?
    Many thanks,
    Steve Smith

  2. Laura says:

    Hi, can you suggest me please a Homestay (on the lowest budget)? I will be getting to Kolkata later this week… I am really interested in staying with some local people.

    Thank you!


  3. amitabha guha says:

    can i get some details of tariff and location of the home stays? i have to visit kolkata quite often for 2-3 weeks at a time.


    1. Calcutta Walks says:

      Hi Amitabh,

      Let me know your dates and I’ll get back to you with availability. Our homes cost INR 2000 per night for single and INR 2500 per night for double rooms.

      Thanks and regards.

    2. Sharbani says:

      You can contact me at +9845585209. My house is between the airport and New township in a place called Pather ghata.

  4. Devika says:


    We are looking for a centrally located air-conditioned home stay (double accommodation) for 20th of April. Do you have any availability? If so, could you also send us some pictures?


  5. smita singh says:

    hi…i’m going to Kolkata tomorrow night and staying for 3 nights (18th -21st dec). looking for a boutique/ victorian property home stay which is off the beaten path. I do not want to stay at a business hotel. Could you please point me in the right direction? thanks, smita

  6. fay says:

    I am going to be living in Kolkata for 9 months from July 2012 to mid-March 2013. I am on a Fulbright Scholarship. I am interested in living with a family and experiencing the culture in a more authentic way. Do you have any suggestions on how I might go about looking for this kind of arrangement?

  7. please let me know do you have room for homestay from 18 oct to 26 oct for a family with 3 person

    1. Please write to and we will try and arrange a homestay for you.

      Thanks and regards,

      Explorer Ifte

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